Checking sent emails

You can see the previous emails you have sent on the Sent page.

To check your sent emails

  1. On the JPay home page, on the Navigation menu, click Email.

  1. On the Compose page, on the Email menu, click Sent.

Note: You can click on an individual letter row to view the letter as well as any attachments.

To delete a letter

  1. On the Sent page click an individual letter row.
  2. On the Sent letter details page, click Delete to delete the letter, then click Yes on the confirmation pop-up. The letter will be removed from the Sent list.

Note: On the Sent letter details page, you can click Prev or Next to view the previous or next letters in the Sent list (if any).

Note: You will find sent emails in your Sent box approximately 15 minutes after they are sent.